April 23, 2013 by

Roxy Theatre (1935)


Categories: 1930s

13-1513-15 Division Street South

Mr. Garnet Hogarth had this building constructed in 1935 to house his new movie theatre. As described in The Kingsville Reporter: “Roxy Theatre, which has been under construction here
for some weeks, had its opening on Monday evening last [October 21st, 1935]. The theatre is modern in all its appointments, and will seat 500 people. It is air-cooled for summer, with forced heat and ventilation for winter; luxurious upholstered leather seats; 100 per cent fireproof; sound equipment, Northern Electric wide range, one of the latest developments in picture-sound science; pictures to be shown will be secured from the largest and best major picture producers. [. . .] The uniformed ushers in the theatre are Robert Tingle and Warren Layman, and the lady at the wicket is Mrs. Hogarth. Mr. Hogarth is his own projectionist.”


Mr. Garnett W. Hogarth, of Windsor, this week closed a deal with the owners of the dwelling and land just south of the Phillips’ meat market on Division Street, for theatre purposes. The buildings will be removed from the property and a modern theatre building erected, with an auditorium that will seat 500 people. It will be 45 by 120 feet, and modern in all respects; in fact, Mr. Hogarth says there are only five in Canada that will be equal to it. The buildings now on the property, will be removed, and the erection of the theatre started at once.

Mr. Hogarth is a theatrical man of several years’ experience.

The Kingsville Reporter, July 4, 1935 p.1



ADULTS 27c., Tax Included


BORIS KARLOFF in The Walking Dead

Second Feature

Hop-A-Long Cassidy’s “Three on a Trail”

Leamington Post, June 18, 1936 p.2

Roxy Theatre

Now Under the New Management of


The Kingsville Reporter, December 6, 1974 p.10





The Kingsville Reporter, July 14, 1976 p.6

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4 Responses to Roxy Theatre (1935)

  1. Linda (Binder) Appler

    I grew up going to the Roxy as a small child. I was so disappointed not to see an acutal image of the old theatre but instead the building as it looks post Roxy. It would be wonderful if an image of the old theatre could be posted, as this image is not representative of the Roxy. Possibley the Kingsville Reporter has one on file.

    • AdministratorAdministrator Post author

      Thanks for checking us out, Linda. This is an ongoing research project featuring modern photos only. We are collecting vintage photos as we progress and will be able to share those when we finish our project. So please keep checking back!

  2. James Storms

    Hello! I remember this theatre as a young child,. The last movie I saw was Panic in the year zero! O my gosh saw it twice on a Saturday! When Movie Theatre were better then seeing the Cleveland TV coming across the lake in BW. I still remember the classic marquee out front. Only 60 & living in Luecadia Calif!

  3. Robert Bruner

    My family lived next door to the Roxy at 15a Division st. In 1958. My brother and I tried to knock a hole in their side wall so we could watch free movies.We were chased away by the owner from our fire escape. We did manage to expose the brick with hammers!

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