May 21, 2013 by

Mrs. Ethel Eleanor Wigle House (1945)

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215215 Division Street South

Having a house built in the early 1940s was very difficult. As noted at the time, “There are many reasons for the present housing emergency. In the first instance, ever since 1939, the restriction on workmen and material has decreased the construction of new homes. Housing was becoming scarce even in 1939 so that the period of war accentuated a situation which was already becoming acute.” During and after WWII, rationing was imposed by the Government of Canada. The purpose was “based on two reasons: first, to make more of the consumer’s income available for victory bonds and war savings certificates; and second, to force labor and factories from non-essential production to production of war goods.” This house, built in 1945 for Mrs. Eleanor Wigle, is a typical modest wartime home.


Hello Homemakers! As head of supplies for the family, it is up to the homemaker to supply proper foods for energy, take care of the household equipment and spend the household dollar wisely. This accomplished, there will be savings and the good habits of thrift we acquire will carry over after the war period.

Every Government order from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board brings the homemaker a new challenge – a challenge being met cheerfully by all homemakers. For every restriction is the result of a war emergency and is made as a means of helping towards Victory for the United Nations.

Here are some of the points to remember:

1. Don’t waste hot water – It takes fuel to heat every drop of water you waste.

2. Take it easy on wash cloths and towels – Wash in the water and not on the towels. Cotton textiles are difficult to replace as machines are needed to make uniforms, parachutes, etc.

3. Be sparing on cosmetics – They are like may other “luxury” items – pleasant to have, but don’t waste them.

4. Tell the men how to make razor blades last longer – They may be stropped in an empty water glass.

5. Use electricity only when you need it – Don’t leave a light burning uselessly. More electric power is needed for war industries.

6. Don’t turn on the radio unless you want to listen to it.

7. Change to old clothes at home – Wear slacks or an old dress at home. Make your good clothes last longer by keeping them mended and clean.

8. Take care of your shoes – Put padding or shoe trees in them. Have them resoled and heeled. They’ll last longer – and shoe factories are busy working for our fighting men.

9. Go light on butter, cream, sugar, tea, etc. – Many waste butter, use too much sugar, drink tea instead of milk, or use cream when milk would do.

10. Watch your personal health – Get plenty of exercise, fresh air and rest.

11. Don’t throw away anything that can be used – Save everything from toothpaste tubes to rubber tires, needles and pins, nails and screws, boxes and paper bags, etc. Canada needs your salvage.

12. Don’t be a hoarder. Discourage hoarding in others – It creates panic buying, makes rationing necessary. Don’t buy more than is necessary for current needs.

13. Do your job, do it well and cooperate willingly with others.

14. Measure your Victory Quota by “What can I do?” – Enroll in Civilian Defense work. Buy War Savings Stamps and Bonds to the limit. Refuse to pass on rumours and defeatist propaganda.

Essex Free Press, July 24, 1942 p.7



The Wartime Prices and Trade Board has ruled that we cannot purchase newsprint paper in excess of the amount we use for subscriptions that are not more than six months in arrears. This means that if your Essex County Reporter is not in the paid-up category it will be necessary to discontinue sending you the paper.

We are glad to say that most of our subscriptions are in the paid-in-advance category, but there are a few subscribers who through neglect or oversight have failed to keep their subscriptions up to date. A working man does not wait for a couple of years for the boss to pay him his rightful wages. And there is no reason why a newspaper should have to wait a couple of years for subscribers to pay up.


The Essex County Reporter, November 25, 1943 p.4

Make this Pledge Today!

I pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation:

By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form.

By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and refraining from careless and unnecessary buying. I will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a “new” where an “old” will do.

By buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting taxation, and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices at a normal level.


The Essex County Reporter, March 29, 1945 p.6

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