August 7, 2013 by

Adam & Katharina Binder House (1960)

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Categories: 1960s

168168 Division Street South

According to Canadian Social Trends magazine: “Between 1946 and 1950, over 430,000 immigrants arrived [in Canada], exceeding the total number admitted in the previous 15 years. The immediate post-war immigration boom included the dependents of Canadian servicemen who had married abroad, refugees, and people seeking economic opportunities in Canada.” Adam Binder, his wife Katharina and their seven children emigrated to Canada from Yugoslavia in 1948. Working as a farmer and tinsmith, Adam was able to have this home built in 1960 and in 1973, Adam and Katharina celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.


The announcement that the British Government may take steps to import thousands of foreign workers – perhaps half a million – to ease the present labor shortage may doom to failure any Canadian immigration plan unless our authorities act quickly. Some of the other dominions, Australia especially, and many of the colonies already have schemes in operation, and now, with Britain about to seek Europeans, most of the desirable immigrants will be attracted elsewhere by the time Canada gets started.

The Kingsville Reporter, February 6, 1947 p.2

Immigration to Canada Increased

Immigration to Canada during October of this year showed an increase of 87 per cent over the influx of new citizens during the same month a year ago according to latest statistics released by the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and resources.

Total immigration for the month was 8,941, as compared to the figure of 4,760 for October, 1946. Worthy of note was a rise of 2,491 in the total of immigrants from the British Isles, this year’s October total being 5,231, as against 2,740 for the corresponding month a year ago.

Apart from the British Isles, the total for European races was 2,696, an increase of 1,773 over the October, 1946, total of 923.

The Kingsville Reporter, January 8, 1948 p.2

Immigration Centres

The Government has reported that Canada has now on the European continent five immigration centres at which there are regular immigration officers and nine where immigration matters are attended to by officers of the Department of External Affairs attached to Canadian missions, with the former being at Paris, Brussels, The Hague, Rome, and Heidelberg, Germany, which is the headquarters for the Canadian mission directing the work of teams selecting and examining displace persons in Germany and Austria.

The Kingsville Reporter, March 4, 1948 p.2

Steady Stream of Air Immigrants

Since June, 1948, nearly 4,000 new Canadians have arrived at Montreal and Toronto, aboard Trans-Canada Air Lines “North Stars”, under the Canadian Government air immigration plan. This number comprises 3,515 adults and 481 children. 198 flights out of the planned 251 have been flown. Many of the people coming out now are the wives and children of men who were aboard earlier flights who have since found work and homes across the breadth of the Dominion.

The Kingsville Reporter, December 30, 1948 p.6

Adam Binder Passes at 84

Adam was born in Neu Pasua, Yugoslavia. The son of Johann and Katharina Flohr Binder. He was baptized in the Lutheran Church in Neu Pasua on August 15, 1904. He was confirmed in Neu Pasua in 1916. He was united in marriage with Katharina Keuhfuss on April 8, 1923. The Lord blessed Adam and Katharina with seven children.

Adam was a miller by trade in Yugoslavia. In August of 1948 the family emigrated to Canada, where Adam has worked as a farmer and tin-smith. The family became members of First Lutheran Church in 1948. Adam was an active member of the church and served on the Church Board. He was also a member of the Rhine Danube.

The Kingsville Reporter, January 24, 1989 p.3

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