September 19, 2013 by

Kingsville Town Square (1985)

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Categories: 1980s

Div&MainMain St. W. & Division St. S.

When the Motorco building complex was completed in 1985, it contained 18 apartment units and 12,000 square feet of commercial space. This building replaced two blocks that were destroyed by fire in 1981. The Wigle-Conklin Block, on the corner of Division and Main, was completed for Dr. Andrew Wigle and David Conklin in 1896 and just south was the E.A. Brown Block. Built in 1923, the Brown Block was Kingsville’s post office until 1936 when the federal building was opened on the north-east corner of Division and Main. The Motorco building’s architect “worked closely with the Town, Motorco and Nova Goldsmiths so that the building would blend in with the present decor of the downtown area” and included a “gift to the people of Kingsville of a triangle of land to replace the loss of the Town Square.”


Mr. D. Conklin has secured the lots of Mr. Wm. Kennedy and Mr. Geo. Grenville. We hear from undoubted authority that a magnificent block will go up right away from the Mechanic’s Institute to corner of Division St. And south on Division 103 feet, the owners being our solid and enterprising townsmen, Messrs. David Conklin, and Dr. Andrew Wigle. It is one thing to be a citizen and another thing to have sand enough to be progressive. These gentlemen have all these ingredients and qualities.

The Kingsville Reporter, March 29, 1895 p.5

The town of Kingsville experienced one of the worst disasters in its history on Monday, November 9, 1981, when fire destroyed a large portion of the business district on the south side of Main Street West. In all, some nine businesses were levelled by the flames, losing all of their stock. As well, the 23 persons who lived in the apartments above the stores lost all their possessions in the blaze.

The Kingsville Reporter, December 10, 1981 p.1

On Sunday, August 25th, the Motorco Savings and Credit Union held an open house from noon until 4 p.m. at the Town Square. Everyone had an opportunity to tour the Square from the lower floor to the top where the apartments are located. Several applications for renting the apartments have been received. Following the tour, coffee and donuts were available.

The Kingsville Reporter, August 28, 1985 p.7

Motorco To Close Doors

The Kingsville Branch of the Motorco Savings and Credit Union announced last Thursday that they will be closing their doors.

The Motorco building at the Town Square is up for sale and the credit union is leaving Kingsville.

The Kingsville Reporter, May 17, 1988 p.1

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