“House Mover” Peter J. Wigle and his wife Sarah moved into their new “Scotch cottage” style house on Division Street South in June 1890. Unfortunately, “Uncle Peter” died four months later at the age of 79. Sarah remained in the home and opened it up to boarders. One lodger was Seger L. McKay, a hardware merchant from Woodstock. As reported in October 1890, “Mr. McKay, of the new hardware store is a single man. The girls have made a note of this. If he worries through on his own more than 2 years, we give up. When our girls take a desirable young man in hand, the minister and cake is the general result.” It took a little more than two years, but in June 1893 the following announcement was printed in the newspaper: “Cards are out for the marriage of S.L. McKay, of Kingsville, to Edith, daughter of Lewis Wigle, ex-M.P., of Leamington.” After the wedding, “Mac” and Edith rented Sarah’s house and eventually purchased it in 1899.
J.A. Maycock has just completed a set of plans for Mrs. Peter J. Wigle’s brick residence. The design is of the “Scotch cottage” style and is very pretty.
Amherstburg Echo, July 19, 1889 p.6
Mr. S.L McKay and bride, arrived here Saturday night last, and will reside in Mrs. Peter J. Wigle’s house on Division street.
The Kingsville Reporter, July 14, 1893 p.5
Struck a Good Thing
Mr. S L McKay received a telegram this week from the operators on a property at Cobalt in which he is interested, to the effect that a six inch vein of native silver and a vein of from one to three inches of wire silver had been opened up. The property is known as the Cobalt Contact, is two and a half miles from the town of Cobalt, in the township of Bucke. Mr. McKay, Messrs. Geo. and B. Jasperson and Mayor Wigle have a sixth interest in the property. There are other good properties all around the claim.
The Kingsville Reporter, June 13, 1907 p.4
Mr. and Mrs. S L McKay removed from here this week to Sarnia. In the departure of Mr. McKay the town sustains a distinct loss. As Mayor of the town and President of the Board of trade for years Mr. McKay displayed a grasp of business affairs which has been the admiration of everyone who knew him. In gas matters he launched some bold schemes, and they have all proven winners from a financial point of view. Mr. McKay came here twenty years ago from Woodstock and engaged in the hardware business. He was successful from the start, but when he branched out into gas and oil he sold his store. He and his partner, Mr. B. Jasperson succeeded in getting American capital interested in the possibilities of gas from this district and through this Mr. McKay was made secretary-treasurer of the Sarnia Fuel Supply Co., which necessitated his removal from here. His many friends wish for him and his family continued prosperity.
The Kingsville Reporter, October 13, 1910 p.5
Thos. Clark and family have moved into their Division street home recently purchased from Mr. S.L. McKay.
The Kingsville Reporter, November 24, 1910 p.5
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