September 4, 2012 by

By-Laws (1901)

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Categories: By-Laws - 1900s

By-Law No. 12.

A By-law to provide for drainage work in the Town of Kingsville in the County of Essex and for borrowing on the credit of the municipality, the sum of twelve hundred and eighty dollars for completing the same.

Windsor, 27th August, 1901.

To the Reeve and Municipal Council of the Town of Kingsville.

Gentlemen:- In compliance with instructions received from your honorable body whereby I was instructed to make a survey &c. of a tile drain on Division street in your town (under Section 11 of The Drainage Act 1894), I have made the necessary survey &c. and now report thereon as follows:-

I commenced my survey on Division street at its intersection with Main street, thence I followed Division street southerly to a small creek or swale south of Stanley street in your town.

I find that the said drain is badly needed to give proper drainage to the streets and abutting properties.

I would therefore recommend that said drain be constructed of the form, size &c. as shown on profile and that brick catch basins be built at the points shown on plan so as to give proper drainage to Division and intersecting streets.

My estimate of the cost of the whole of the above work together with all incidental expenses is the sum of $1280.00. Of this amount I have assessed the municipality of Kingsville for benefit and outlet to the streets with the sum of $611.26 and the abutting properties for benefit and outlet with the sum of $668.74, as set forth in the schedule of assessments hereto annexed. [. . .]

All of which is respectfully submitted,

Wm. Newman, C.E.

The Kingsville Reporter, September 12, 1901 p.8

By-law No. 4 to prohibit certain acts in the town of Kingsville was read the necessary number of times and finally passed.

The Municipal Council of the Corporation of Town of Kingsville enacts as follows:- That it shall be unlawful for any person to commit or do any of the acts hereinafter mentioned within the Corporate limits of the Town of Kingsville, viz:

1.  Throw or deposit any dirt, filth or rubbish upon any street, road, lane or highway of said Town.

2.  Spit upon any sidewalk or the floor of any public building, or to otherwise foul same.

3.  Loiter upon any sidewalk or obstruct pedestrians on same.

4.  Post indecent placards, writings or pictures or to write indecent words or to make indecent pictures or drawings on walls or fences in streets or public places.

5.  To be drunk or to use profane, obscene, blasphemous or grossly insulting language or commit any other immorality or indecency.

6.  To lead, ride or drive any horse or other animal upon any sidewalk, except at or opposite street crossings or roadways.

7.  To tie any horse or other animal to any shade tree, or to injure or destory (sic) any tree or shrub planted or preserved for shade or ornament.

8.  To deface private or other property by printed or other notices.

9.  To drive through the streets faster than eight miles an hour.

10.  To make loud noises, such as shouting or singing, on any street to the annoyance of any residents.

11. That all by-laws inconsistent with this by-law shall so far as inconsistent be hereby repealed.

Any person guilty of an offence under this by-law shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine, in the discretion of the convicting Justice or Magistrate, in a sum not exceeding $50.00 and costs, and in case the same are not paid within the time limited by such conviction the same may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender and in default of sufficient distress such offender may be committed to the common jail of the County of Essex for a term, not exceeding twenty-one days.

This by-law shall take effect from and after the passing thereof.

Dated this 3rd day of June, A. D. 1901.

J.H. Sweet, Mayor.

The Kingsville Reporter, June 6, 1901 p.1

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