Tag Archives: Loop


Billiard By-Law (1922)

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Categories: By-Laws - 1920s, Tags: , , ,


At a meeting of the council on Monday evening last, the following by-law regulating pool and billiard rooms for Kingsville was passed:

WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the municipality to make certain regulations regarding billiard and pool rooms herein after set forth

THEREFORE the Municipal council of the Town of Kingsville enacts as follows:

1. That no license shall be granted for a billiard or pool room in the Town of Kingsville without the approval and sanction of the council having been first obtained.

2. That the fee for such license shall be $40 per annum for each and every billiard and pool table in the premises, payable in equal quarterly instalments in advance.

3. That the number of such licenses for the said town shall be limited to not more than two billiard rooms.

4. That the hours during which such billiard rooms may be kept open shall be from seven o’clock in the morning to eleven o’clock in the evening on week days only, and not otherwise.

5. That no person under the age of eighteen years shall be allowed in any billiard room excepting as providing in the stature of relating thereto.

6. That no billiard room shall be screened in any manner from the public view but shall be open to public view but shall be open to public view from the street and all billiard rooms shall be on the ground floor.

7. That no other business, trade or calling shall be connected with it by any interior or other means of communication but this shall not prevent the sale in the billiard room of cigars or tobacco to adults if otherwise allowed by law or the by-laws of this municipality.

8. That no profane or obscene language shall be allowed in such billiard room.

9. That the said billiard room shall be conducted in a quiet and orderly manner so as not to annoy or disturb any occupant of adjoining premises.

10. That not betting or gambling shall be allowed on such licensed premises.

11. That notice embodying clauses 8,9 and 10 of this by-law shall be posed up and kept posted up in a conspicuous place in said premises.

12. In case a holder of a license under this by-law shall fail to observe the provisions thereof the council may suspend his license for any term they may see fit or cancel such license entirely but this shall not restrict the right of the council at any time to cancel any license for any other reason.

13. The words “Billiard Room” in this by-law shall mean and include a room in which pool and billiards or either are played.

14. That by-law Number 403 is hereby repealed and any other by-law of this municipality inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law shall, so far as inconsistent, be repealed.

15. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof.

The Kingsville Reporter, February 2, 1922 p.4

Mr. Ira Loop is preparing to put up a twenty foot addition to the rear of the Reporter block, in order to gain the necessity room for his billiard business upstairs.

The Kingsville Reporter, July 26, 1906 p.5

Prideau Fox opened his new billiard hall last Thursday night. An orchestra was in attendance and lunch was served to about 100 men who were present. Mr. John Cooper was caterer.

The Kingsville Reporter, November 22, 1906 p.5

New Billiard Hall

Frank Miller, the barber, has leased the Mrs. A.J. Wigle store, next west of Quick’s store, secured a billiard license and will open a billiard hall there in the near future.

The Kingsville Reporter, August 1, 1918 p.4



Whether it was the warm weather or the tense feeling over the opening up of a new billiard room in war time that caused members of the council in express themselves in no mistaken terms Tuesday evening [. . .] Miss Ritchie, president of the local W.C.T.U., addressed the council regarding the billiard license issued to Frank Miller, barber. She urged the council to reconsider the matter from all its bearings on the morality of the town, and to cancel the license as it was detrimental not only to the welfare of the town but the surrounding township as well. [. . .] Mr. Pett was in favor of annulling the license and stated that he did not consider Mr. Miller a proper person to conduct a billiard room. This statement brought Councillor Hall to his feet with the question why Mr. Miller was not a proper person to run a billiard business. [. . .] Mr. Pett said well, if you force my hand I will tell you. I found Mr. Miller was operating a push button cigar machine in his barber shop and I told him it was a gambling machine and he would have to remove it. He took it from the front and put it in the back room. I learned he was operating it there [. . .]

The Kingsville Reporter, August 8, 1918 p.1


Urias Loop House (1887)

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Categories: 1880s, Tags:

138 Division Street South

John Loop was one of the first settlers of Point Pelee, and with his wife Mary Lucinda, raised nine sons and one daughter. Urias, the youngest son, purchased land on Division Street South in Kingsville in 1881 just south of property owned by his brother Ira. In 1884, while living in Mersea Twp, Urias married Mary Girardin and they had two children – Louisa and Charles Gordon. A few months after the birth of her son in 1886, Mary died after being ill for only ten days. Urias built this home in Kingsville in 1887, and moved into it with his two children and his retired parents, John and Mary. When Urias died in 1912, Charles G. Loop inherited the home from his father and remained there until 1973. In addition to being a member of the Odd Fellows, Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce, Charles served on Town Council for twenty years and was the Mayor of Kingsville for four years.

Loop Brothers launched their new fishboat.

Amherstburg Echo, September 18, 1891 p.6

Urias and Ira Loop sustained a loss on Wednesday night which will amount to several hundred dollars. Some time Wednesday night a steam barge ran into their pounds and did damage to three of their nets to the amount of seven or eight hundred dollars.

Amherstburg Echo, November 7, 1902 p.2

Frank Slater and I. Shaw have purchased Urias Loop’s fishing outfit and have taken possession of same.

Amherstburg Echo, May 15, 1903 p.1

Urias Loop has purchased the Old Boss Washer at the west end of the town, and will turn it into a roller rink. He will remove it from its present site to some place not yet decided upon, take off the top story and add it to the end, building on twenty feet more which will make it 120 feet in length.

The Kingsville Reporter, February 21, 1907 p.5


Ira &#38 Clarissa Loop House (1880)


Categories: 1880s, Tags: ,

116 Division Street South

Ira Loop, local fisherman, married Clarissa Geauvreau on New Year’s Eve 1868. The following May, they purchased a vacant lot on Division Street South from Lucinda Stewart for $55 and built a small house. By 1880, Ira and Clarissa had four children (Minnie, Gordon, Cecelia and Urias) and were able to have this home built, which increased their property assessment from $300 to $800. According to the the 1881 Census, the Loops had a ‘dwelling’ and a ‘shanty’ on their property. In addition to building boats and fishing with his brothers, Ira also owned a lime kiln in the 1880s and ran a billiards hall in the 1900s. Ira died of cancer in 1908 at the age of 62 and Clarissa remained in their home until her death in 1922.


One of those happy events that seem so appropriate at this time of the year when all are expected to be happy and to make others happy, occurred at the home of Mr. Ira Loop, on Division st., on Tuesday last, when Miss Minnie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loop was united in marriage with Mr. John P. Schoenberger, of Mercersburg, Pa.

A large number of guest, relatives and friends of the bride were present and although a tinge of sadness at the thought of parting was apparent in all, yet each helped to make the occasion as merry as a marriage bell.

The Kingsville Reporter, December 8, 1893 p.8


A very pretty matrimonial event took place at the residence of Mr. Ira Loop on Tuesday, 22nd inst., at 3 p.m., when his daughter, Cecelia, was united in holy bonds to Mr. Leroy C. Middough, son of J.S. Middough, of this town, but now of Cleveland, Ohio.

Miss Anna Wigle was bridesmaid, while W___ Clifford acted as best man.

The bride looked charming in a dress of cream mohair, trimmed in cream satin. The bridemaid’s attire was similar – cream henrietta, trimmed in cream satin. Both wore wreaths of smilax and roses.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Medd, of Ruthven, who has won a good reputation in this line of his profession, and was witnessed by about fifty guests, – young friends and relatives of the contracting parties.

After the knot had been tied hard and fast, and the company had got settled down after congratulations, &c., lunch was served.

The presents would make a long list and were both useful and costly.

The Kingsville Reporter, December 25, 1896 p.4