Tag Archives: Pennington


Carnegie Library (1913)

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Categories: 1910s, Tags: , , ,

28 Division Street South

Designated in 1988

When American steel magnate Andrew Carnegie retired from active business in 1901, he devoted the rest of his years to philanthropy. In his lifetime, he donated $56 million to build 2,509 libraries throughout the world. Of the 125 Carnegie libraries built in Canada, 111 were built in Ontario. Kingsville was offered funding and a library by-law was voted upon during the 1911 Municipal Election, which passed 235-34. By-law No. 222 authorized the purchase of a library site (not to exceed $800) and annual maintenance of “an amount equal to ten per cent of the cost of erection thereof,” in order to qualify for the $5,000 Carnegie Library grant. Windsor architects Crane & Pennington designed the library, and Kingsville Council had to approve an additional $2,000 to add to Carnegie’s donation to cover the building costs. The Woodiwiss Brothers were masons for the project and the Oxley Brothers the contractors.

Established first in England during the 1820s, Mechanics’ Institutes began as voluntary associations of working men seeking self-improvement through education. The community-based institutes offered evening lectures, lending libraries and periodical reading rooms. Members were supposed to learn the underlying scientific principles of their work as well as the general value of “rational information.” The concept spread quickly elsewhere, including British N America where the Montreal Mechanics’ Institute opened in 1828 and the York Mechanics’ Institute in 1830. Other institutes followed, especially in Ontario but also in NS and BC. In 1895 Ontario included 311 institutes with a total of 31,195 members.


Mechanics’ Institute

There has been an Act passed at the last sitting of the Legislature regarding the changing of Mechanic’s institutes into Free Libraries, and making it possible to maintain such by direct taxation. This would increase the usefulness of the institute and the cost of sustaining it would be much greater. The matter will be presented to the council at their next meeting.

The government grant towards pub. libtaries (sic) is $250, of which $150 is to be spent in books, $50 in papers and magazines, and $50 towards maintenance of library.

The Kingsville Reporter, May 3, 1895 p.8

The Mechanics’ Institute people have labored hard to make a public library to give to this town some of the intellectual privileges that only the more wealthy can afford. The town council have decided not to take over the institute this year. The managers in consequence have decided to give a local entertainment in the town hall. Musical and literary upstairs and ice cream and cake downstairs. All the friends are asked to help the funds up a little by attending this fine entertainment. Admission only 10 cents. June 25th is the date set.

The Kingsville Reporter, June 14, 1895 p.4


[. . .] Dr. Wigle and the other directors of the Mechanic’s Institute petitioned the council asking them to take over the Institute and make a public library of it and appoint a board of directors of their own. The petition was accepted and the Institute taken over, and the following board of directors appointed: F.A. Wigle, Howard Scratch, Owen Harris, C.J. Ballard, and the present council board.

The Kingsville Reporter, September 11, 1896 p.1

The public library is open and free to everybody in Kingsville and South Gosfield. All that is necessary in order to get books is to register by name. Applicants must be fourteen years of age or over.

The Kingsville Reporter, October 23, 1896 p.5

Librarian Wanted.

Applications for the position of Librarian for Kingsville Public Library may be made to the secretary, Fred. Forster, until Saturday, April 26th. Salary, $1.50 per week. Hours, from 1.30 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m.

By order of the Board. Dr. Allworth. Chairman.

The Kingsville Reporter, April 18, 1902 p.5


Lakeside Park (1907)

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Categories: 1900s, Tags: , , , ,

Division Street South & Herrington Street

Designated in 2007

The Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore Rapid Railway began service from Windsor to Kingsville in 1907. At the time, Kingsville’s population was 1,578. To take advantage of new tourism opportunities, Kingsville Town Council explored the idea of developing a public park on the lake shore. A by-law to “raise by way of loan the sum of $5,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing and improving that land described as Block ‘G’ on the south side of Harrington (sic) Street […] for the purpose of a Public Park” was put to a public vote. The park by-law passed with a vote of 168 to 48, and Lakeside Park was opened to the public in the summer of 1907. The pavilion, designed by Windsor architects Crane and Pennington, was built in 1913 by James Countess at a cost of $2,250.

As the street railway line nears completion, people from Windsor and Detroit are beginning to look this way for residential property. With the acquisition of a beautiful park, the desirability of Kingsville as a place of residence will be still greater.

The Kingsville Reporter, May 16, 1907 p.5


We have, as a town, much to be thankful for. One of the best harbors on the lakes, a first-class steamboat, beautiful churches, a graded school of seven departments none can beat. Several blocks as good as any town has, and live, progressive merchants, grand avenues of maples with best silex walks, good grist and flour mill, large woollen mill (a prize winner), large canning factory, evaporator, three big tobacco factories, grain and produce buyers and foreign shippers, large planing mill and lumber yard, the leading blacksmith shop of the county, pump factory, two banks, two hotels and livery barns, large furniture store, water works (none better), natural gas in abundance, splendid fire department, the finest natural park in Western Ont., good steam railway service, live printing office, three best physicians, several skilled machinists and inventors, hardware and paint stores, groceries and bakeries, millinery and clothing stores, many of them, and a climax to all the many above blessings, one of the latest equipped electrical railways in Canada, the elegant cars, now upon our streets, are the direct evidence, the beautiful power house, machinery and car barns, at the lake only show the master hands and energetic minds and Co. who are in control. Yes, Wiggins can keep his extra moon, the old one is good enough for us. Too much light might spoil us. Yes, let our neighbors have the Wiggins moon, to help them see their way to a park and R.R. franchise.

The Kingsville Reporter, June 13, 1907 p.1

Geo. W. Cady has presented the park committee here with 100 fine European elms. They are worth $1.00 a piece. No doubt the committee will appreciate gifts of trees from any citizen who wishes to show a similar public spirit.

The Kingsville Reporter, June 13, 1907 p.5

Anyone willing to contribute shade or ornamental trees for the town park this spring, will please inform the Secretary, Geo. Pearse.

The Kingsville Reporter, April 2, 1908 p.5

Lakeside Park Improvement

The Park commission have had set out about 250 trees of all kinds, built another bridge in the creek near the beach, and got a potato patch under cultivation on the flats, so far this season. In another year the park will present quite a different appearance. If the fringe of poplars along the beach, east of the creek, were topped, the view of the lake would not be so completely cut off as at present. The unsightly old hedge also ought to be destroyed in some way. We believe it is the intention to thoroaghly (sic) cultivate the flats at the north side this year, then level, seed and roll it, so as to put it in shape for a ball ground.

The Kingsville Reporter, May 21, 1908 p.8

The New Pavilion.

At a special meeting of the council on Monday evening the Mayor [W.A. Smith] submitted plans and specifications of a pavilion for the town park, prepared by Messrs. Crane and Pennington, of Windsor. The council approved of the plans and decided to proceed with the work of construction so far as possible this year. Tenders for the work are asked for and will be considered at a meeting of the council to be held Monday Nov. 25th. The pillars will be of field stone and will be supplied by the council. The council will be glad to have contributions of stone from any farmers who would like to assist in this way in the erection of a building intended as much for the accommodation of the township residents as of the town.

The Kingsville Reporter, November 14, 1912 p.1


Epworth United Church (1893)

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Categories: 1890s, Tags: , , , ,

56 Division Street South

The headline in The Kingsville Reporter on April 4th, 1935 was “Epworth United Church Burned.” As reported the following week: “There seems to be no doubt but that the fire started in or near the organ, and with all the electric current shut off, the origin of the outbreak is a still deeper mystery.” Epworth Methodist Church, designed by Chatham architect James L. Wilson, was built in 1893 with Thomas Jenner as the contractor, Woodiwiss Bros. as the brick and stone masons and H.R. Kratz responsible for the iron and tin work. Memorial Hall, which was built in 1922, was saved from the fire. The new church was designed by Windsor architect J.C. Pennington and built on much of the original stone foundation by the Oxley Bros. The “rebuilt Epworth United Church” was dedicated on April 19th, 1936.

Sunday last was a red letter day in the history of Methodism in Kingsville. On that day the fine new Epworth Church was opened for public worship. . . The church will cost $15,000, of this amount nearly $8,000 was provided for before the building was commenced, which with over $7,000 raised at the opening leaves the church free from debt. This grand result is due to the generosity and large heartedness of the members, adherents and friends of the Methodist denomination in this place.

The Kingsville Reporter, January 12, 1894 p.1


On June 10, 1925, Epworth Methodist Church became a unit in that brotherhood of Christians now known as “The United Church of Canada.” In our present membership of nearly one thousand, are former Presbyterians and Congregationalists. In January, 1935, the congregation unanimously adopted the government of the new church, with the result that Epworth United Church is now completely organized according to the provisions of the basis of Union.

The Kingsville Reporter, April 23, 1936 p.9


The beautiful and impressive ceremony, the laying of the cornerstone, took place on Saturday afternoon, September 14th. The service was presided over by the pastor, Rev. J. Morley Colling. . . . Following dedication prayers by the pastor, Mr. Robert Healey, secretary of the building committee, gave a description of the contents of the box to be inserted in the stone, after which the cornerstone was officially laid by “Uncle Jack” Miner.

The Kingsville Reporter, April 23, 1936 p.9

Church Dedication

On Sunday afternoon, the dedicatory services were held. A few minutes after three o’clock, the president of the London Conference, Rev. W.A. Walden, B.A., of London, and the ministers assisting him, entered the main door of the church, while the choir and congreation arose and sang the Doxology. . . . So large was the congregation that gathered to praise God after a year’s tireless efforts in rebuilding the church, that Chief of Police J.C. Babcock was called upon to direct traffic at the intersection of Division and Mill Streets, and cars were lined for several blocks on both sides of the two thoroughfares in the four directions.

The Kingsville Reporter, April 23, 1936 p.1